Jejunostomia – ce înseamnă

Jejunostomia reprezintă exteriorizarea lumenul jejunal prin peretelui abdominal anterior. Într-un sens mai larg poate reprezenta orice comunicare a oricărui organ cavitar cu jejunul (în limita posibilităților anatomice) dar nu ne vom abate asupra acestei categorii (ex.gastrojejunostomia, hepaticojejunostomia, pseudochistojejunostomia). Aceasta are două roluri mari care impun tipuri diferite de jejunostomii, cu timpi operatori diferiți.

Un prim rol ar fi cel de exteriorizare a conținutului intestinal; poate fi temporara sau definitivă, in funcție de afecțiunea de bază. Se poate practica în rezecții largi de intestin, în exemplul infarctului mezenteric acut când aspectul jejunostomiei are un rol important în urmărirea postoperatorie. În eventualitatea unei evoluții favorabile se poate suprima, cu refacerea continuității intestinale. În alte afecțiuni nevoia de a pune în repaus de tranzit un anumit segment de intestin poate apela, de asemenea, la practicarea unei jejunostomii evacuatorii.

Al doilea mare rol este cel de alimentație. În această situație nu ne dorim exteriorizarea conținutului jejunal ci administrarea de amestec alimentar prin jejunostomă.

Printre cele mai folosite tehnici menționăm:

-jejunostomia Witzel

-jejunostomia Stamm

-jejunostomia cu dublă șicană – procedeul Liffmann

-jejunostomia prin abord laparoscopic.

-jejunostomia în omega – procedeul Albert

-jejunostomia in Y tip Roux

Sindromul Lynch

Sindromul Lynch, cunoscut ca si cancerul colorectal ereditar nonpolipozic, reprezintă o afecțiune genetică autozomal dominantă care are un risc foarte ridicat de dezvoltare a unui cancer de colon, dar nu exclusiv, fiind întâlnite si alte localizări precum: endometru (a doua localizare), ovar, stomac, intestinul subțire, tractul urinar superior, creier, piele. Riscul crescut de apariție a acestor cancere este datorat mutațiilor unei gene implicată în repararea ADN-ului. Din aceasta cauza vorbim de un sindrom neoplazic familial.

Acest sindrom poate fi clasificat in tipul I când localizarea este la nivelul colonului, si tipul II când localizarea este la alt nivel (alt segment al tractului digestiv,sistemul reproducător,etc).

Tratamentul de primă intenție rămâne cel chirurgical, tipul de rezecție oncologică fiind specific segmentului anatomic implicat.

Clasificarea Dukes si corelația cu TNM

Deciziile asupra tratamentului cancerului de colon trebuie să țină cont în mod deosebit de clasificarea TNM față de clasificarea Dukes sau Astler-Coller.  Anatomopatologul trebuie să descrie cel puțin 12 limfoganglioni pentru a confirma sau nu invazia acestora. Acest lucru este foarte important in aprecierea gradului de extindere a neoplasmului si corelarea lui cu actul chirurgical.


Stadiul AJCC Stadiul TNM Dukes Criteriile TNM ( 2010)
Stadiul 0 Tis N0 M0   Tis: Tumora limitata la mucoasa; cancer-insitu sau carcinom intramucozal
Stadiul I T1 N0 M0 A T1: Tumora invadează submucoasa
Stadiul I T2 N0 M0 B1 T2: Tumora invadează muscularis propria
Stadiul II-A T3 N0 M0 B2 T3: Tumora invadează subseroasa sau țesuturile pericolice neperitoneale (nu sunt implicate alte organe)
Stadiul II-B T4 N0 M0 B2 T4: Tumora invadează direct alte organe sau structuri / sau perforează peritoneul visceral
Stadiul III-A T1-2 N1 M0 C1 N1: Metastaze in 1-3 ganglioni regionali. T1 sau T2.
Stadiul III-B T3-4 N1 M0 C2 N1: Metastaze in 1-3 ganglioni regionali. T3 sau T4.
Stadiul III-C orice T, N2 M0 C2 N2: Metastaze in cel puțin 4 ganglioni regionali. Orice T
Stadiul IV orie T, orice N, M1 D M1: Metastaze la distanta prezente.Orice T, orice N.

Alte criterii

Tumora primara (T)
TX – nu poate fi evaluata
T0 – fără evidența ei

Ganglionii limfatici regionali (N)
NX – nu pot fi evaluați
N0 – fără metastaze ganglionare regionale

Metastaze la distanță (M)
MX – nu pot fi evaluate
M0 – fără metastaze la distanta

Clasificarea Dukes (modificata de Astler-Coller)

Stadiul A    tumora invadează muscularis mucosae si ajunge în submucoasa dar nu ajunge la muscularis propria
Stadiul B1 tumora invadează muscularis propria, dar nu o depășește
Stadiul B2 tumora invadează și depășește muscularis propria ajungând în seroasă
Stadiul C     Tumora poate cuprinde orice grad de invazie dar este definită de implicarea ganglionilor limfatici regionali
Stadiul C1 B1 cu mai puțin de 4 limfoganglioni pozitivi
Stadiul C2 B2 cu metastaze ganglionare
Stadiul D prezintă metastaze la distanță
Carcinom in situ (se poate referi și la displazie de grad înalt) – carcinom intramucozal ce nu penetrează muscularis mucosae

Reactii intestinale comune anumitor alimente

Ai un fel de mancare preferat?

Daca ai primit acordul medicului tau de a-ti rezuma dieta obisnuita, chiar poti manga ce doresti. Fie ca ai colostoma sau ileostoma, vei descoperi ca diferite alimente iti afecteaza tractul digestiv in moduri diferite.

Asa cum anumite alimente provocau gaze si inainte de operatie, vei experimenta meteorismul si dupa interventie. Asta nu inseamna ca acestea trebuie scoase complet din alimentatie. Poti alege momentul in care sa le consumi, in functie de activitatile sociale (de exemplu cand esti acasa, si nu la serviciu).

Diferite alimente au probabilitatea mai mare de a cauza gaze, diaree, constipatie, digestie incompleta sau sa schimbe mirosul. Dar care sunt acestea depinde de organismul tau. Daca nu esti sigur cum vei reactiona la consumul lor, incearca-le mai intai acasa, cate unul pe rand, inainte de a le consuma in public. Cunoscand modul de reactie al organismului tau la diferite ingrediente, vei petrece mai putin timp ingrijorandu-te la efectele lor si vei petrece un timp mai bun cu prietenii tai.


Ractii intestinale si alimentele
Gaz Fasole, bere, broccoli, varza de Bruxelles, varza, băuturi carbogazoase, conopida, ceapa
Digestie incompleta Coaja de mar, varza, telina, nucă de cocos, porumb, fructe uscate, ciuperci, nuci, ananas, popcorn, semințe, coaja de legume
Scaun tare Suc de mere, banane, branza, paste, orez, unt de arahide (crem), cartofi (fără coaja), tapioca
Scaun moale Alimente prajite, suc de struguri, alimente cu mult zahar, suc de prune, alimentele condimentate
Miros intensificat Alcool, sparanghel, ouă, pește, usturoi, ceapa
Miros scazut Lapte batut / zer, suc de afine, patrunjel, iaurt


Controlul mirosului urinii
Creste mirosul Ceapa, peste, usturoi, sparanghel
Scade mirosul 8-10 pahare de apa, suc de merisoare, alte bauturi necafeinizate


Adaptarea vietii pentru un purtator de stoma

It takes time to become comfortable with an ostomy — a surgically created opening in your abdomen that allows waste or urine to leave your body. Many questions may run through your mind as you plan your first ventures outside of your home. Can you go back to work after colostomy? Can you ride your bike if you have an ileostomy? Will everyone figure out you’ve had urostomy surgery just by looking at you?

You can do many of the same activities you enjoyed before your colostomy or other ostomy surgery.

Sisteme de continenta

Pouching systems may include a one-piece or two-piece system. Both kinds include a skin barrier/wafer (“faceplate” in older terminology) and a collection pouch. The pouch (one-piece or two-piece) attaches to the abdomen by the skin barrier and is fitted over and around the stoma to collect the diverted output, either stool or urine. The barrier/wafer is designed to protect the skin from the stoma output and to be as neutral to the skin as possible.
Colostomy and
Ileostomy Pouches Can be either open-ended, requiring a closing device (traditionally a clamp or tail clip); or closed and sealed at the bottom. Open-ended pouches are called drainable and are left attached to the body while emptying. Closed end pouches are most commonly used by colostomates who can irrigate (see below) or by patients who have regular elimination patterns. Closed end pouches are usually discarded after one use.
Two-Piece Systems Allow changing pouches while leaving the barrier/wafer attached to the skin. The wafer/barrier is part of a “flange” unit. The pouches include a closing ring that attaches mechanically to a mating piece on the flange. A common connection mechanism consists of a pressure fit snap ring, similar to that used in Tupperware™.
One-Piece Systems Consist of a skin barrier/wafer and pouch joined together as a single unit. Provide greater simplicity than two-piece systems but require changing the entire unit, including skin barrier, when the pouch is changed.
Both two-piece and one-piece pouches can be either drainable or closed.

Irrigation Systems Some colostomates can “irrigate,” using a procedure analogous to an enema. This is done to clean stool directly out of the colon through the stoma. This requires a special irrigation system, consisting of an irrigation bag with a connecting tube (or catheter), a stoma cone and an irrigation sleeve. A special lubricant is sometimes used on the stoma in preparation for irrigation. Following irrigation, some colostomates can use a stoma cap, a one- or two-piece system which simply covers and protects the stoma. This procedure is usually done to avoid the need to wear a pouch.

Urinary Pouching
Systems Urostomates can use either one or two piece systems. However, these systems also contain a special valve or spout which adapts to either a leg bag or to a night drain tube connecting to a special drainable bag or bottle.

Tipuri de stomii

The terms ostomy and stoma are general descriptive terms that are often used interchangeably though they have different meanings. An ostomy refers to the surgically created opening in the body for the discharge of body wastes. A stoma is the actual end of the ureter or small or large bowel that can be seen protruding through the abdominal wall. The most common specific types of ostomies are described below.Colostomy The surgically created opening of the colon (large intestine) which results in a stoma. A colostomy is created when a portion of the colon or the rectum is removed and the remaining colon is brought to the abdominal wall. It may further be defined by the portion of the colon involved and/or its permanence.
Temporary Colostomy Allows the lower portion of the colon to rest or heal. It may have one or two openings (if two, one will discharge only mucus).
Permanent Colostomy Usually involves the loss of part of the colon, most commonly the rectum. The end of the remaining portion of the colon is brought out to the abdominal wall to form the stoma.
Sigmoid or
Descending Colostomy The most common type of ostomy surgery, in which the end of the descending or sigmoid colon is brought to the surface of the abdomen. It is usually located on the lower left side of the abdomen.
Transverse Colostomy The surgical opening created in the transverse colon resulting in one or two openings. It is located in the upper abdomen, middle or right side.
Loop Colostomy Usually created in the transverse colon. This is one stoma with two openings; one discharges stool, the second mucus.
Ascending Colostomy A relatively rare opening in the ascending portion of the colon. It is located on the right side of the abdomen.

Ileostomy A surgically created opening in the small intestine, usually at the end of the ileum. The intestine is brought through the abdominal wall to form a stoma. Ileostomies may be temporary or permanent, and may involve removal of all or part of the entire colon.
Ileoanal Reservoir
(J-Pouch) This is now the most common alternative to the conventional ileostomy. Technically, it is not an ostomy since there is no stoma. In this procedure, the colon and most of the rectum are surgically removed and an internal pouch is formed out of the terminal portion of the ileum. An opening at the bottom of this pouch is attached to the anus such that the existing anal sphincter muscles can be used for continence. This procedure should only be performed on patients with ulcerative colitis or familial polyposis who have not previously lost their anal sphincters. In addition to the “J” pouch, there are “S” and “W” pouch geometric variants. It is also called ileoanal anastomosis, pull-thru, endorectal pullthrough, pelvic pouch and, perhaps the most impresssive name, ileal pouch anal anastomosis (IPAA).
Continent Ileostomy
(Kock Pouch) In this surgical variation of the ileostomy, a reservoir pouch is created inside the abdomen with a portion of the terminal ileum. A valve is constructed in the pouch and a stoma is brought through the abdominal wall. A catheter or tube is inserted into the pouch several times a day to drain feces from the reservoir. This procedure has generally been replaced in popularity by the ileoanal reservoir (above). A modified version of this procedure called the Barnett Continent Intestinal Reservoir (BCIR) is performed at a limited number of facilities.

Urostomy This is a general term for a surgical procedure which diverts urine away from a diseased or defective bladder. The ileal or cecal conduit procedures are the most common urostomies. Either a section at the end of the small bowel (ileum) or at the beginning of the large intestine (cecum) is surgically removed and relocated as a passageway (conduit) for urine to pass from the kidneys to the outside of the body through a stoma. It may include removal of the diseased bladder.
Continent Urostomy There are two main continent procedure alternatives to the ileal or cecal conduit (others exist). In both the Indiana and Kock pouch versions, a reservoir or pouch is created inside the abdomen using a portion of either the small or large bowel. A valve is constructed in the pouch and a stoma is brought through the abdominal wall. A catheter or tube is inserted several times daily to drain urine from the reservoir.
Indiana Pouch The ileocecal valve that is normally between the large and small intestines is relocated and used to provide continence for the pouch which is made from the large bowel. With a Kock pouch version, which is similar to that used as an ileostomy alternative, the pouch and a special “nipple” valve are both made from the small bowel. In both procedures, the valve is located at the pouch outlet to hold the urine until the catheter is inserted.
Orthotopic Neobladder A replacement bladder, made from a section of intestine, that substitutes for the bladder in its normal position and is connected to the urethra to allow voiding through the normal channel. Like the ileoanal reservoir, this is technically not an ostomy because there is no stoma. Candidates for neobladder surgery are individuals who need to have the bladder removed but do not need to have the urinary sphincter muscle removed.


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